<target name="scrub"> <taskdef name="scrub" classname="net.sourceforge.importscrubber.ant.ImportScrubberTask"/> <scrub root="${sourceDir}" format="nobreaks" classRoot="${classesDir}" sortjavalibshigh="true" recurse="true"/> </target>
Just declare the taskdef and invoke the task with whatever source file you want to
scrub. If you want to scrub a directory, put the directory name in the root
attribute. If you want to descend recursively from the root directory, use the
attribute. If you want the Java standard libraries
to appear at the top of the list of import statements, use the
attribute. You can specify the way to format
the import statements - either nobreaks
or each
. The default format is nobreaks
Finally, you can specify an encoding to use with the encoding
Here's the Ant target I use to scrub my projects. Note that I compile the code with debug info first - which discourages the compiler from removing class references.
<target name="scrub"> <taskdef name="scrub" classname="net.sourceforge.importscrubber.ant.ImportScrubberTask"/> <javac deprecation="false" debug="true" optimize="false" srcdir="${sourceDir}" destdir="${sourceDir}" classpath="${libDir}bcel.jar;${libDir}junit.jar"/> <scrub root="${sourceDir}" classRoot="${classesDir}" recurse="true"/> <delete> <fileset dir="${sourceDir}" includes="**/*.class"/> </delete> </target>